
Your All-in-One Study Space

Upload any study material, create summaries, quizzes, and flashcards in seconds, and practice with scientifically proven methods—all in one powerful platform.
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Loved by 100,000+ students globally

Students, teachers and professionals from top colleges are using Monic.ai daily to learn, prepare and upskill.
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Everything You Need, All in One Place

For the perfect study system, all you need is Quizlet, ChatGPT, CourseHero, Google Drive → Monic.ai
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Quiz maker

Create quizzes effortlessly from your study materials to test your knowledge and reinforce key concepts with ease.
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Smart Practice Modes

Test yourself with research-based practice modes like spaced repetition, timed exam simulations and more.
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Summary Generator

Condense study materials into summaries easily for efficient reviews and understanding complex topics better.
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Chat with files

Chat with any file using advanced AI to clarify concepts, discuss topics and enhance your learning intuitively.
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Flashcard Creator

Turn study materials into flashcards quickly to optimize your review sessions and improve retention.
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Get personalized learning support with AI Tutor for tailored explanations and guidance to help tackle difficult topics.

See what Monic Users are saying

Hear directly from students and educators who have transformed their learning with Monic.ai
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Lehan S.

As a medical student with tons to cover, this tool has been a lifesaver. Using practice modes and the Pomodoro timer has not just improved my study habits but also my grasp of the material.
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Jorge G.

As an associate professor, I use it for my classroom and it is really great at summarizing texts, detecting central points and create quick exercises based on my content.
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Anna H.

I use this platform for my high school classes, and it's been a revelation. Turning lectures into quizzes and flashcards is quick and has made my students genuinely more engaged.


Get started now, pick a plan later
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Monic Premium Monthly

Get all that Monic has to offer

$5 /month

Unlimited study spaces
  • 10,000 AI tokens (renews monthly)
  • 250 AI chats (renews monthly)
  • 5 GB storage
  • Up to 1 GB per file upload
  • AI and Manual Image Occlusion
  • YouTube video processing
  • Exam simulation mode
  • Faster AI processing
  • Document Highlighting
  • Video and Audio Upload
  • Smart Select (new)
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Monic Premium Annual

Get 33% off with an annual subscription

$40 /year

Unlimited study spaces
  • 10,000 tokens (renews monthly)
  • 250 AI chats (renews monthly)
  • 10 GB storage
  • Up to 1 GB per file upload
  • AI and Manual Image Occlusion
  • YouTube video processing
  • Exam simulation mode
  • Faster AI processing
  • Document Highlighting
  • Video and Audio Upload
  • Smart Select (new)

Frequently Asked Questions

See what others are asking about
What exactly is Monic.ai?
Monic.ai is a comprehensive, AI-powered study platform designed to transform the way students learn. It offers a suite of tools for creating personalized study materials, including quizzes, flashcards, and summaries, all aimed at enhancing learning efficiency. The platform uses advanced AI to provide tailored learning experiences, making study sessions more effective and engaging. From the summary generator to asking AI questions and more, Monic makes sure to bring all the best features in one place.
What can I do with Monic.ai?
Monic. ai allows users to upload learning materials or any type and length (from articles, to videos, images, text and more), from which they can then use the summarizer tool to transform those sources to a long summary, a few paragraphs or a bullet point list of sentences in one click. This makes it easier to read the material by focusing on the main points that are important.
Who is Monic.ai for?
Monic.ai is designed for a wide range of users, including students at various academic levels, educators, and professionals looking to upskill. Whether you're a high school student preparing for exams, a college student tackling complex subjects, or a professional seeking to deepen your knowledge in a specific field, Monic.ai offers the tools and support to achieve your learning goals.
What does it cost to use Monic.ai?
It only costs $5 a month to get access to all of the features of Monic, and even less on an annual plan.
Can Monic.ai adapt to my learning style and the different subjects I'm studying?
Absolutely, Monic.ai's versatility allows it to support a broad spectrum of subjects and adapt to various learning styles. It offers tools allowing you to summarize learning materials and generate interactive quizzes to personalize your learning experience according to your study needs, preferences, strengths and weaknesses.
How does Monic.ai ensure the quality of its study materials and quizzes?
At Monic.ai, we built the industry's best AI model, developed specifically for educational content, to curate and enhance study materials and quizzes, ensuring they meet the highest standards of quality and educational value. Whether you use the summary generator or the quiz maker, rest assured the quality will always be at the cutting edge of what is possible with AI.
Is my data really secure with Monic.ai?
Absolutely, with stringent data protection measures and advanced encryption, Monic.ai ensures that your personal and study information remains secure and private.
Why should I pick Monic.ai over other study apps available?
Monic.ai brings all the study tools you need into one platform, making it unnecessary to juggle multiple subscriptions. This ensures that all features work well together and keeps your study materials organized in one convenient place, enhancing both efficiency and ease of use.
P.S Our mobile app will soon be supporting all features the web app supports so you can study on the go anytime anywhere.

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Discover a World of Learning Made Simple

Ready to transform your learning experience? Dive into Monic.ai and explore a world where all your study tools come together seamlessly.